Sober Up! How to Stop Being High

Finding yourself a bit too elevated for comfort? Whether it’s due to a potent strain, an accidental overdose, or unexpected obligations requiring a clear mind, there are ways to help bring yourself back to baseline.

How Long Does it Typically Take to Come Down from a High?

The duration of a cannabis high can vary depending on several factors, including dosage, potency of the strain, individual tolerance, and method of consumption. On average, the effects of a cannabis high can last anywhere from 1 to 3 hours for inhaled methods (smoking, vaping) and up to 6 hours or more for edibles. However, residual effects may linger for several more hours, especially in cases of high doses or long-term use.

Symptoms of Being Too High

Recognizing the signs of overconsumption can help you take proactive steps to mitigate the effects and sober up more effectively. Common symptoms of being too high may include:

  • Intense paranoia or anxiety
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Profound confusion or disorientation
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Heightened sensory perception
  • Impaired coordination or motor skills

How to Sober Up More Quickly

1. Avoid Panicking

While it may be alarming to feel overwhelmed by the effects of cannabis, panicking can exacerbate anxiety and prolong the high. Take deep breaths, remind yourself that the effects are temporary, and focus on calming techniques such as mindfulness or meditation.

2. Hydrate and Eat

Drinking water helps to flush out toxins and hydrate the body, while consuming light, carbohydrate-rich snacks like bread or crackers can help stabilize blood sugar levels and alleviate nausea.

3. Try Some Physical Activity

Engaging in mild physical activity, such as going for a walk, can help distract the mind and promote circulation, potentially hastening the metabolism of THC.

4. Take a Shower or Bath

Taking a cool shower or bath can provide a refreshing sensation and help you relax both mentally and physically. The change in temperature can also help reduce feelings of discomfort and dizziness.

5. Get Some Rest

If possible, lie down and rest in a comfortable environment. Taking a nap allows your body to recover and may expedite the process of sobering up.

6. Try a Distraction

Distract yourself with activities you enjoy, such as watching your favorite movie or listening to music. Engaging in enjoyable tasks can shift your focus away from the effects of cannabis and help pass the time more comfortably.

7. Take Some Ibuprofen

Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen may help alleviate headache or body aches associated with being too high. However, be cautious not to combine it with other substances without consulting a healthcare professional.

Reconnecting with Reality

Feeling too high can be an unsettling experience, but remember that it’s temporary and manageable. By staying calm, hydrating, engaging in light physical activity, and employing relaxation techniques, you can help ease the effects of cannabis and regain a sober state of mind. If symptoms persist or worsen, don’t hesitate to seek medical assistance. Above all, practice moderation and mindfulness when consuming cannabis to minimize the risk of overconsumption in the future.